The treatments consist of several sessions spaced a few weeks apart, particularly if the size of the tattoo is quite large, approximately 4-5 sessions will be required. Each session is not particularly painful, but there is a sensation of discomfort, similar to the snap of a rubber band on the skin tattoo removal using laser.
The treatment to remove the tattoo
The treatments consist of several sessions spaced a few weeks apart, particularly if the size of the tattoo is quite large, approximately 4-5 sessions will be required.
Each session is not particularly painful, but there is a sensation of discomfort, similar to the snap of a rubber band on the skin.
Before laser treatment
Before laser treatment, exposure to the sun and UVA lamps should be avoided, as well as taking photosensitizing drugs.
After the treatment
The effects of the laser treatment translate into a whitening of the tattoo, and within 8-12 days there is total healing without remaining unsightly scars on the skin.
After the treatment, the attending physician will prescribe an antibiotic ointment for a few days. It is essential not to undergo direct sunlight and to protect the skin with sunscreens for the first period.
During the re-epithelialization phase it is useful to use a specific ointment that favors this process, and it is always important in the first period, not to expose yourself directly to sunlight, or tanning lamps, and to protect the skin with full screen sunscreens.
Otherwise there is the risk of the appearance of hyperpigmentation, and it is also for this reason that it is always important that laser treatments to erase tattoos must always be performed by a trained, serious and competent doctor, and must always be carried out in a serious and reliable structure, both for the safety of the patient, and to avoid possible complications, and for an optimal final result.